Monday 29 June 2015

Chris Squire...

Yesterday we learned of the sad death of Chris Squire, bassist and founder member of Yes.
It was only about 4 or 5 weeks ago that it was announced that Chris had a particularly aggressive form of Leukaemia, and was undergoing treatment at his home in Phoenix, Arizona.
Yesterday he died in the arms of his wife.
As a fan of Yes it is a sad occasion, I saw the band perform a few years back and Chris' presence on stage even from where I was sitting, was enormous. He was a mountain of a man physically, and from what I've read spiritually also. His bass playing was always inventive and powerful, he has inspired many, many players over the years. 
It's a particularly poignant occasion for me personally also as my paternal Grandfather had Leukaemia also. It is a nasty form of cancer, although all forms of cancer are bad, but some forms of cancer are thankfully less final due in no small part to the many medical researchers who are working out ways of combating cancer in all its forms. So what I'd like to say here is please if you have the opportunity, give what you can, no matter how small, towards helping these people who are constantly looking at ways of fighting cancer, because one day it might touch you and wouldn't you like to think that through the ceaseless efforts of these people, that your chances of surviving at greatly increased?

The link below will take you to a page that lists a number of cancer charities in the UK, so either click on the link or copy and paste into your browser address bar and hit go, and make a difference.

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