Tuesday 26 May 2015

Fuckin' Hell!!...

Buckethead - Soothsayer

Science Verses Religion...

The BBC Flew a Drone Over Auschwitz — And the Result Is Haunting...

Award Mr George 'Johnny' Johnson (Dambusters) a Knighthood...

George 'Johnnny' Johnson served his country during the 2nd World War in Bomber Command as bomb aimer. In 1943, he joined the new elite 617 Squadron, now commonly known as the 'Dambusters'. George 'Johnny' Johnson is now the last surviving member of the Dambusters squadron who participated in that operation.

Air crews in Bomber Command were expected to complete 30 operations, mainly at night and very few ever achieved this, usually making the ultimate sacrifice with their life. George 'Johnny' Johnson continued to complete a further 20 operations with 617 Squadron, the required amount for a second tour of duty.

In recognition for services and contribution to his country by displaying unconditional courage and gallantry in the face of the enemy and an inspiration to all of his fellow countryman, we call upon Government and all politicians to unite and support the nomination of Mr Johnson in becoming a Knight.

Sign This Petition Here



Paddy and George...

Paddy and George go to the cattle market and buy two pigs.
When they arrive home, Paddy says to George

"Eer' George, how do we know which pig's mine, and which pig's yours?"
George: "Shit... I dunno"
Paddy: "I tell you what, if I cut the ear off of my pig, we'll know mine is the one with one ear and yours is the one with two!"
George:"Fuckin' 'ell Paddy, genius!"

The next morning, Paddy and George come down and notice, both pigs only have one ear. Paddy's pig got jealous of the other one having both ears, so he chew it off.

George: "Fuck paddy, what now!?"
Paddy: "I tell you what, I'll cut the OTHER ear off my pig, then, my pig will be the one with NO ears!"
George: "Fuckin' 'ell Paddy, genius!"

So, after cutting off the pigs other ear, they go to the shop. When they get back, both pigs have no ears. Again, Paddy's pig grew jealous and chewed off the other's ear.

George: "Fuck sake Paddy, would you look at that, both pigs have no feckin' ears!"
Paddy: "Right... I tell you what, if I cut off my pigs tail, my pig will be the one with no ears and no tail!"
George: "Fuckin' 'ell Paddy, genius!"

So, after cutting of the pigs tail, Paddy and George go to the pub. When they returned, you would never have guessed, the pig grew jealous and chewed the other's tail off.

George: "Fuckin' 'ell Paddy! Look now, both have no ears or tail, should we cut one of your pigs legs off? That way your pig will have no ears, tail or leg!"

Paddy: "No, I tell you what George, you have the pink one, and I'll have the fucking black one!"

A Beautiful Thing...

Best example I've seen in a long time of a '58 Gibson Les Paul Sunburst....recently sold for $325,000 or about £212,500 (In proper money)

Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick...

I do enjoy a good conspiacy theory. This is long but fascinating look at the role America and the "illuminati" have played in world history since the start of the twentieth century and beyond.

It's not ALL crackpot conspiracy, much of it is from proven historical record, which of course we just don't get taught about. It's quite astonishing actually.

Having watched the full 3 1/2 hours I can say that the first half is pretty good and backed up by sound corroborated evidence. However, the flight of fancy regarding the actual mechanism of the JFK assassination, although probably plausible in some minds, to me came across as just an amusing flight of fantasy and should be pretty much discounted.

However, give it a go and make your own mind up.

Romeo & Juliet - Monte Montgomery...

Here's some very classy acoustic playing by a guitarist far too many people have yet to hear about..

Ladies and Gentlmen, May I present....My Autobiography...

It's Only Rock 'n' Roll, But I Like It...

With a combined age of around 300yrs these guys still look and sound the best damn rock n roll band in the world!

Nuclear Device...

Quite an astonishing map showing the nuclear devices detonated by just four countries: USA, USSR (former,) France and the UK, up until 1991. A grand total of 2025 detonations. The fall out from these alone has been estimated as responsible for 52 million cases of cancer worldwide...and counting. Add to this just under 1 million deaths from radiation related illness caused by Chernobyl and add on Fukushima and you get a very scared picture.

Shocking what man does to man.

Taken from Time-Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945 - by Isao Hashimoto

It's Not Just Me Then...

The Budget Wha Wha Pedal...

Ingenious - The Wah Wah effect for the price of two pieces of wire and a few months without shaving.

A Ban on Food Waste...

"French supermarkets will be banned from throwing away or destroying unsold food and must instead donate it to charities or for animal feed, under a law set to crack down on food waste."

This is such a good idea, I don't see why this cannot be fully adopted in this country.

Click on the link below for the full Guardian Article

Shocking Ambivalence...

So the 'establishment' including the BBC claimed not to know anything about Jimmy Savile's private life? Not according to this interview from 1978, where Johnny Rotten, as he was known at the time, appears to speak clearly about the disgraced former TV presenter's perversions.
Tells you a lot about those in charge, doesn't it.

Depleted Trust...

An interesting documentary on the effects of depleted uranium on the lives of gulf war veterans. Another example of the way in which the military industrial complex is in bed with and running circles around the U.S. and UK governments all the while destroying the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and their families.
The more I find out the worse it all seems.

Saturday 23 May 2015

A thing of beauty...

Formula 1 cars are the pinnacle of motoring technology. There is a great deal of discussion at the moment about the sport and how it can be made more exciting and appealing to dwindling audiences internationally. One thing that cannot be denied is the raw beauty of these incredible machines, every year they look more and more stunning in my opinion. Whatever changes are made to engines and rules running the races, I hope that the cars continue to be sculptural masterpieces like these four stunning machines, McLaren, Williams, Mercedes and Scuderia Ferrari.

Words of wisdom...

"A treadmill is a perfect metaphor for my life because no matter how much I think I'm progressing I'm really still in the same place, but now I'm also tired"

Friday 22 May 2015

An Absolute Hero...

A real hero of mine...
Captain Lawrence Edward Grace "Titus" Oates (17 March 1880 – 16 March 1912) was an English cavalry officer with the 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons, and later an Antarcticexplorer, who died during the Terra Nova Expedition. Oates, afflicted with gangrene and frostbite, walked from his tent into a blizzard. His death is seen as an act of self-sacrifice when, aware that his ill health was compromising his three companions' chances of survival, he chose certain death.

Wednesday 13 May 2015

OK So I Stole this from Another Website...

I found this helpful advice at Adequate Man (US Site hence $ not £s) for anyone considering getting themselves a dog and wanted to share it because I think dogs are our guardian angels and I hate seeing them unhappy, poorly kept or abused. In fact nothing makes me more angry than animals being abused. I don't have a doggy partner of my own at the moment sadly, I lost my guardian angel about 8 years ago now. I still miss him every day, he was an absolute diamond!

I guess the main message I'd give is that :    "A DOG IS FOR LIFE"

So you must think carefully before you commit to welcoming a little lady or little lad into your life, and the information below is excellent, sound advice, honest and practical, down to earth with no bullshit...


"I wasn’t ready when I got my dog, Penny, in college. Lots of people compare owning a dog to raising a child, but I’ve never had a child, so I’ll compare it to looking after a Pokémon, of which I have owned many. True, canines are loyal companions who will come to your aid whenever you may need them. Except in this case, you can’t turn them off for a decade, then find them in the attic, jump right back into action, and beat the Elite Four one more time. Owning a dog takes actual, daily commitment.

I was probably stupid to get Penny in the first place, actually: I only wanted a pup to snuggle by my side, binge Netflix with me, and help me find self-worth. But Penny’s a good dog. She’s sweet, playful, and filled with life. And thanks to our growing up together, I do think I have become a competent—some would even say good!—dog owner.

Here’s the secret: There’s no such thing as a shitty dog. You show me a shitty dog, and I’ll show you a much shittier person who doesn’t give a fuck about the dog. And as someone who has transformed from “shithead student with a dog” into “shithead adult with a dog,” I feel like it’s on me to share some insight with others who may be thinking of getting their first pooch.

The first thing you should know is that all dog owners will unknowingly be shitty sometimes. Unfortunately, that just comes with the territory. There will come a point when you’ve had too much to drink, but are too cheap to take a cab or Uber, so you walk home; you know your dog has to pee, but that can wait 30 minutes while you save a few bucks. Meanwhile, your new best friend is engorging itself with that fancy new self-filling water bowl, and its fickle, chickpea-sized bladder is getting fuller and fuller. But it’s okay: The dog will just piss on your new comforter and teach you not to forget it next time.

But if you’ve any inkling that that sort of thing will happen often, let’s start with perhaps my most important piece of advice: MAYBE JUST DON’T GET A DOG! If you aren’t sure you can be a good dog owner, just wait until a time in your life when you can be sure. We aren’t gonna run out of dogs anytime soon. With that in mind, here are a few simple questions you can ask yourself

How much space do I have? There are few things sadder than a dog that doesn’t get enough room to roam, and instead is stuck sitting by a window watching the world go by. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that not having a yard—or living in a studio apartment the size of a cupboard—disqualifies you from owning a dog. Your space also includes the neighbourhood around you. Is there a dog park nearby? If so, great: That will allow you to socialise and exercise your dog regularly. You’re good as long as there is some kind of nearby area where you can let your pup off the leash and frolic as nature intended. At the same time, be reasonable: If you do live in a studio, don’t get a bull mastiff. It will be shitty for you and the dog alike, and you’ll likely end up hating it as much as your first college roommate. A good, common sense rule: the smaller the place, the smaller the dog.

How much time do I have? Remember that nearby dog park you’re excited about? It doesn’t mean dick if you don’t have the time to take your dog there. If you’re a young person, you likely have busy professional and social lives; if you still go out every night, a dog may not be the best thing for you. At the very least, find a dog that fits your lifestyle: If you absolutely must stay out every night, don’t get a husky. Some breeds, like bulldogs and pugs, are more than happy to sleep most of the day away. If you’re an avid runner, however, a bigger, more active dog may be right up your alley. Give yourself some time for introspection and figure out what size, age, and breed of dog best fits the life you want to live.

So what breed is right for me? Different breeds will carry different physical and personality traits. It’s important to know those things before you get one. If you hate shedding, don’t get a pug or a lab. Those breeds shed an unbelievable amount of hair and can leave it in places they’ve never been: Penny sheds, and I swear I’ve found her hair on top of my ceiling fan. If the hair makes your allergies flare, find a hypoallergenic dog, such as a poodle or poodle-cross. You should also consider the type of temperament you want from your dog: The dog that’s right for a bachelor likely won’t be right for a family. There are tons of on line questionnaires that’ll help with this: Here’s one from dogtime.com that asks about your dream dog, where you live, and how much grooming you’d like to do, and then suggests five possible breeds. It said I should get a Swedish Vallhund, which looks like a very good little dog indeed.

Is another person invested in this dog? This is a biggie. If you have a significant other, what’s the stability of your relationship? You have to remember: The dog isn’t going to think, “That one’s my owner, and that’s just some rando who spends the night a lot.” Both of you will be the dog’s “people.” If a breakup or other calamity occurs, it’s gonna be hard for your little mutt. That isn’t to say don’t get a dog when you’re in a relationship—in fact, a dog can help push an already serious relationship to the next level. But before you make the decision to get any sort of furry pet, you need to sit down with your partner and have a frank discussion about the status of your relationship and where you see it going. Then name the dog Frank.

Do I have the money for this? Getting a dog can quickly become an expensive endeavour. You have to pay for the dog, the initial vet bills, a million chew toys you’ll buy (that the dog will never play with), and food for the rest of its life. The simplest way to cut down on these initial costs is to get a rescue dog instead of buying a purebred: Everyone wants a dog just like the golden retriever they had as a kid, but those fuckers can cost $2,000 or more. Whereas there are plenty of rescue dogs you can get for free or for a small fee. If you live in a city where rescue dogs are in high demand, it can also be cheaper to get a rescue shipped in from a place where shelters are over-populated instead of going purebred. Also, if you’re someone without much time or space, it could be smart to rescue an old dog instead of a puppy. Yeah, you won’t get to watch it grow, and you don’t get the puppy phase (undoubtedly the cutest of all dog phases), but an old dog won’t need to be exercised as much. They’re generally happy having an owner who cares for them and spending their lives being chillers of the highest order. But old dogs may need more regular medical attention, so be wary of that.

What basics should I buy? There are a few must-haves here, starting with the food and water bowls. Make sure you get something with a solid base if you get a puppy: They spill more water into their food than you thought possible, so get something they can’t tip over easily. You should also invest in a sturdy leash. Borrow one from a friend, then take your new dog to a pet store and find one that fits it, and you, well. You and your dog will spend a lot of time with that leash, so don’t skimp. I was stupid and lazy when I got Penny and used a retractable leash my parents gave me. It took a few months for me to realise she hated the sound of the line retracting and recoiling, but I got a new, more standard leash, and our walks have been a simple joy ever since. There’s also the matter of getting your dog fixed. If it’s not a registered dog that you plan to breed, please spay or neuter it as soon as possible. Pet overpopulation is a huge problem in America, and it’s because people don’t get their animals fixed in a timely manner. I made the mistake of not getting Penny fixed early, and she went into heat about six months after I got her. It was a big mess. Let’s not get into it.

Seriously, do I have the money for this? You never know what can happen in the life of a dog. They could break a leg or get in a fight or poop something out that you don’t believe could come from a living organism. You need to be prepared for all these contingencies (especially mystery poop). Don’t dine out the first few weeks you have the dog and save the money you would’ve spent on that for unforeseen vet bills. Once you have a few hundred dollars, you will have enough to not worry when minor problems come up. And, god forbid, if a major medical problem presents itself, you’ll already have a good chunk of the money needed to address it.

So am I ready? If it’s not that time yet, don’t be disheartened. In the meantime, there are plenty of people who love their pups but wouldn’t mind letting you dog sit it for a night. Play with other people’s dogs and keep asking yourself these questions and you’ll know when the time is right.

On Heavy Rotation...

I do have quite a wide ranging taste in music. I like what I like, and what I like I like a lot!!
Today I'm revisiting one of my musical influences [I've been playing guitar since I was11 years old] and most of my favourite musicians are guitarists. I got into Joe Satriani around about 1985/6 when there was a Flexi disc (shit, man! do you remember those?) attached to Guitar Player magazine featuring Joe playing "Power Cosmic/Rush of Love" on one side and Steve Vai doing "Amazing Grace" on the other. A few months later there was an advert in Sounds for Satriani's debut solo album "Not of this Earth" and Vai's "Flexible" album. I was in college in those days so I rushed off to the nearest record store at the time and managed to pick up both albums that day. The Satriani album I loved, the Vai one, not so much - I came to dig Vai a few years later when he cut "Eat 'em and Smile" with David Lee Roth. I've still got those two vinyl discs and the Flexi disc too
Anyway to cut to today: I dug out a few of the Satriani CDs earlier and listened to some of his more recent stuff, which I've not really properly paid attention to, not as much as I used to. This track is my current "bangin' toon" of the moment. It's from the "Satriani LIVE!" album, and features Joe at his best I think. I've seen Joe on tour more times than any other artist, he's playing the UK again this autumn and I'm thinking about going. I haven't been to a gig for about 5-6 years now, last show was Sigur Rós at Bristol Colston Hall. I need to start to get to more gigs again, I used to see a show at least once a month, I love live music but, for reasons I won't go into here, I lost a lot of the passion I had for getting out and letting my hair down. This needs to be remedied...soon!

An Inconvenient Truth...

"Blogging isn't writing – it's just graffiti with punctuation!"

Screenwriter Scott Z Burns.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

A World Without Power...

I'm currently researching for an idea I've been formulating for a book I'm hoping to write. OK, I know everyone thinks they can write a book, this one is a book I'm writing purely for myself, it will never be published. The theme of the book is to do with living in a post apocalyptic world, and the struggles, dangers and obstacles that a lone person would face when the world has been turned completely upside down.
I've looked at a range of possible scenarios for the onset of this particular apocalyptic event, and last night I watched this film, which is freely available on YouTube. It deals with a situation where through an act of cyberterrorism the electricity supply in (in this case America) upon a national scale takes out the entire power grid. Now I'm sure they did their research on this, but I'm also sure they ramped it all up a bit too for dramatic effect, nevertheless, it is interesting and at times gripping viewing, so I thought I'd share it here for the millions of my regular visitors to take a look at.

You're very welcome!

Monday 11 May 2015

Let's Get the Boring Personal Stuff Out of the Way...

Ok, so as threatened/promised, there is going to be a little bit of personal information about me. Just likes and dislikes really, and don't worry, it's all pretty shallow stuff, much like the author. This is by no means a complete list, things get added mentally each day, usually in the "Hates" section.

Helen, Kizzy, Cal, Kitty, Rock music, Formula 1, Jazz, a bloody good book, coffee, playing the guitar [38 years and counting], War films, walking the dog, sleeping, a bloody good film, driving, Top Gear [The classic Clarkson years only] Italy, The Grand Canyon, Monument Valley, New York, Malboro and a double espresso for breakfast, Venice, Rome, Florence, my iPad, Apple iOS, Fender Telecasters, Fender Stratocasters, Gibson Les Paul, My Takamine acoustic, my Dobro's, the possibility of the apocalypse, animals of all shapes and sizes [except the human ape], Sir Ranulph Fiennes, James Hunt, Graham Hill, Damon Hill.

My fucking job, Bob fucking Dylan, Fernando fucking Alonso, arrogant fucking people, people who fucking say "enjoy", I Will fucking survive, all fucking politicians, all fucking liars, all fucking schemers and cheats, the fucking management, people who try to fucking tell me what to fucking do, people who think they need to fucking criticise me, Foo fucking Fighters, Microsoft fucking Windows, et al.

To all those in the second list, and a the others who are in my "The List" list....

Welcome to the Club

Blogging is something that I've tinkered wth on and off over the last ten years or so. I have a few blogs and there are a few I visit regularly and provide me with entertainment daily in some cases, or occasionally in others. I've always wanted a blog of mine to be at least vaguely popular. I'm not sure how to achieve this other than by providing humour, interesting articles and the odd personal reflection [probably less of the latter if truth be told] After all who really gives a shit about my health, lack of relationship success, work, play or personal philosophy and opinion?
Anyway, I'll try and keep this updated regularly enough to see it grow a bit, and hope anyone who pops in will take the trouble to leave comments [no sales pitches please]
So, for now, cheers and welcome to the club!